Three years in Canada – How’s it going, eh?

Time, in all its subjective intricacies, often feels like an intangible construct that we use to measure the passing of our lives. It was not long ago that my sister embarked on a life-altering journey, stepping off the plane into a cold and rainy morning at YVR, her heart brimming with both excitement and trepidation. As her immigration consultant, I had the privilege of guiding her through the complex process of relocating to Canada, a process that had consumed our thoughts and plans for two years. Now, the moment had arrived – she was finally making her move to Canada. Hear (Read!) Guneet’s story in her own words. 

Time, truly, is a social construct. It feels like yesterday that I got off the plane on a cold, rainy and gloomy morning at YVR, reeling from my perpetual travel sickness and trying to get through Immigrations in a hurry to finally stepping out and meeting my sister and her family, who were excitedly waiting for me with Tim Hortons Coffee to ‘officially’ welcome me. The event we had been frivolously planning for the past two years was finally happening – the move to Canada.

I wasn’t new to the country, having visited my sister several times before; but this time it was different. It was the finality of it that was hard for me to wrap my head around. I have never been afraid of a challenge, but this was daunting for me – starting a new life, a new career from scratch. But with my forever mantra of ‘It is what it is’ tattooed permanently on my soul, I was prepared to face everything that came my way.

I was lucky to land a job in my field of expertise within my first month here, but I know that is not the case for everyone. Also, I know having my sister here was a huge help in so many big and small ways. I hardly ever had anything to figure out by myself. She would guide me, drive me (figuratively and literally) and pretty much was my roadmap to settling here. (Thank you for that!)

I have moved on to my second job here now and starting to explore the city by myself after accomplishing many ‘firsts’ (learning to drive and getting on the transit being the main one :P). I had never taken the transit before – partly because I spent the better part of my initial years in a lockdown, partly because my work was a decent distance’s walk away, and I enjoyed the exercise. And I must say, I’m starting to enjoy the experiences this city, this country has to offer.

What a wonderful, cultural mosaic Canada is! I meet or come across so many different people from all over the world and it’s so enriching to learn about their cultures, their cuisines (of course!), their language. People don’t realize that being clueless can sometimes be weirdly empowering. Otherwise, no one would ever take the plunge. You’re suddenly five years old – either filled with childlike wonder at learning new things and new ways of life or you’re perplexed and start looking around for an adult to answer all your silly questions or to hold your hand and take you ‘home’.

Home – after three years in Canada, with a short trip to India squeezed in between, I’m no longer sure where I consider home to be. My trip to India – it was a funny feeling going back home (the home I was born and grew up in). It felt like nothing had changed, but everything had changed. Everything looked the same, but wasn’t. Everything felt the same, but wasn’t. And then I realized…what had changed was ME.

I read once somewhere that all great changes are preceded by chaos. And never have I ever really, truly understood that until I decided to uproot myself from my extremely comfortable and privileged life in India and decided to plant my new roots in this country. The past three years have been a whirlwind of frustration, failures, lessons, anxiety, heartbreak, and so much more; all punctuated at frequent intervals with moments of sheer joy, contentment, feelings of accomplishment, love, friendships and loads of laughter, shaping me into…well ‘me’.

And now I realize, that perhaps, ‘home’ is just a sense of security you get when surrounded by people that care about you and love you. Perhaps, it’s a place, any place, that you’ve created fond memories in and have made connections that surpass constraints like distance and time.

So, if you are planning to move to this wonderful country (for the right reasons) as well, do not hesitate to take that first step forward. Do not settle for ordinary if your dreams are extra-ordinary. I do have just a couple of tips for you – please leave all your prejudices behind, come with your mind wide open and an even wider open heart. I know I had it pretty easy and it might not be the same for you. But trust me, help is available.  The stereotype of Canadian politeness being as sweet as maple syrup does hold true :D.

By Guneet Oshan

In her guest blog, my sister shares her transformational experience, inviting you to embrace change and discover your own sense of home in the embrace of this welcoming nation. I was able to guide my entire family, my parents, and both my younger siblings, through the immigration processes for Canada. They all landed successfully in 2020, just before COVID hit the world. I am happy to help you through this journey as well. My laurels rest on your successes.

Hiring me for immigration services offers several compelling reasons. As a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant, clients can trust in my qualifications and expertise to navigate the complex immigration process. With personal experience as an international student who made a permanent move to Canada, I possess a unique understanding of the challenges and requirements involved. I offer a comprehensive range of immigration services, including study permits, work permits, travel visas, and family sponsorship, ensuring that clients can rely on my expertise for various immigration needs. Recognizing the uniqueness of each client’s journey, I provide tailored solutions to address their specific goals and circumstances, maximizing the chances of a successful outcome. Client satisfaction is paramount, and I prioritize open communication, keeping clients informed and addressing any concerns they may have. By choosing to work with me, clients gain a trusted partner in their immigration journey, confident in the knowledge that they have a dedicated and experienced professional guiding them through every step and ensuring a smooth process. Book an appointment today to TALK-TO-GUPREET. 

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